Friday, July 25, 2008

The Onion Journal

These are my journal entries from when I was at the onion farm. I didn't journal too much, but I indexed memories for blog posts, so there will be more to come.

Monday, July 21 2008
Today I was talking a guy at work, his name was either Iram or Iran; I am not quite sure he said it in a heavy spanish accent and I didn't catch it exactly. I am led to believe that it was Iran because after he told me his name he made machine gun motions and the only logical explanation I can come up with for this is that he was referring to Iran and their current arms policy. He didn't speak English but he was nice and I decided to practice my Spanish with him. We had a shallow conversation about our names, ages, work history, etc. At one point he asked me if I liked Mexican women, gesturing to the women around. I said, "Si, pero tengo novia," (It took me a little while to remember "novia"). He then pointed to a women and told me that she was his wife. After telling me this, he said, "pero" and made a hip gyration in the direction of the surrounding women, thus communicating that he was not a strong symbol of fidelity.

Wednesday, July 23 2008
Today I realized that I don't eagerly await my breaks because I get to stop working, I wait for them because they prove time is actually passing.

Thursday, July 24 2008
Today I saw Trudenwilk grab an onion bag to stick on the machine. For some reason it looked as though someone handed it to him. But no one had handed him the bag he had simply picked it up. After realizing this, I thought, "Jesus handed Trudenwilk that bag."

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