Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Apoidea have struck back

I felt something land on my shoulder. I went for the palm smash kill technique. This turned out to be a bad decision. My palm smashed a bee. The bee stuck its stinger directly into my hand. Swiftly I pulled out the stinger, stepped on the bee, and put ice on my palm. Luckily I am not allergic so I only had to deal with the temporary pain of a sting.

This was the first wave of attack the apoidea have thrown at me, the war has just begun. The bee that stung me didn't survive, I did survive, thus I won. My enemies place no value on the individual life, their missions are suicide Kamikaze attacks. This will be a long ugly war.


JeffreyLocke said...

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Kristin Michelle said...

told you so...lucky for you, you will be vacating the premises shortly, so depending on how swift of a movement they are planning, you may evacuate before the storm.

Matt Miller said...

The palm smash

Levi Bagdanov said...

Jeff: I like that you quoted Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Remember when we played that petra song sleeping giant gets a wake up call in church with your Dad?

Kristin: I don't think geography will have help me, I was stung in Laguna Beach and I think the bees will follow wherever i go.

Kelly Bagdanov said...

I'm hoping the bees follow him. My garden out front has been making an ominous buzzing sound and I fear they are gathering troops....